Posted on Monday, August 2nd, 2021 at 3:56 pm    

Sleep is an important part of everyone’s life. Your body needs to rest and reset so you can remain focused during the day and prevent a range of health problems. Unfortunately, many people don’t get the recommended hours of sleep because of sleep apnea, insomnia, and other sleep-related conditions.

Even if you get enough hours of sleep but still wake up feeling tired, you might have an underlying condition that prevents your body from reaching a deep enough sleep to recharge your batteries, so you feel energized.

Fortunately, there are solutions you can turn to so you fall asleep quickly and stay asleep throughout the night. Some are natural remedies and lifestyle changes. Others require treatment from a healthcare professional. Diagnosing the cause of your tiredness is crucial to determine the available options and resolve your daytime fatigue.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder affecting around 22 million people in the United States. It causes a person’s breathing to stop and start throughout the night repeatedly. Anything that disrupts your normal breathing can wake you up. Once you’re awake, you might have trouble falling back asleep.

You can make an appointment with your doctor to determine if this is why you’re not sleeping soundly.

Try These Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

If you’re one of the many people who have insomnia, the way you spend your day could be the culprit. Many people don’t realize the impact their daily activities have on getting a good night’s rest. Making even minor adjustments could drastically change how much sleep you get every night and positively affect your mind and mood.

Comfortable Bed

Sleeping well starts with the right bed. It shouldn’t only be comfortable but should also have the correct firmness to suit your body. Some people need a hard mattress due to back issues. Others prefer a softer bed. Find the mattress that works for you so you don’t toss and turn all night while you try to get comfortable.

You also need a pillow that supports your neck and keeps your spine aligned. There are many pillows on the market that can keep you from waking up with a stiff neck or sore back. Investing in the right one means you can avoid any unnecessary pain at night.

Dark and Quiet Room

One common culprit of a poor night’s sleep is falling asleep while watching tv. You might like having background noise, but the sound and flickering light can interfere with your circadian rhythm. Your body might think it’s time to wake up. Spending time on your computer, phone, or tablet just before bedtime can also prevent your brain from preparing to shut down for the night.

Begin a new nighttime routine by putting your devices away and preparing your body for sleep. Read a boring magazine or book, perform a tedious task, or lie down in bed and focus on your breathing. Whatever you do, make sure it keeps you calm and doesn’t get your heart racing.

Reduce Anxiety and Stress

A lot of people can’t fall asleep because of the daily stressors in their lives. Jobs, families, and other responsibilities can cause your mind to race at night when all you want to do is fall asleep. Practicing different relaxation methods and breathing exercises could help you clear your mind.

Try meditating as part of your bedtime routine or practice controlled breathing by inhaling and exhaling slowly. If you have a busy day ahead of you, put it out of your mind by writing a list of the tasks you need to complete so you’re not thinking about it while you’re trying to fall asleep.

Contact Silent Night Therapy

If you’re suffering from sleep apnea or another sleep-related disorder, do not hesitate to contact Silent Night Therapy. Our team can diagnose your medical condition and provide a customized solution for a complete and better night’s sleep.

Call us at 631-983-2463 for a complimentary consultation.