Posted on Monday, March 19th, 2018 at 6:06 pm    

Myths About Sleep Apnea

If you have ever wondered whether you or a loved one suffers from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), you are not alone. OSA is more common than most people think, but it is also widely misunderstood. In fact, there are so many myths about sleep apnea that we have compiled a list of them to help you sort out the truth. If you have further questions about OSA or want to schedule a free sleep apnea consultation, contact us today at (631) 983-2463.

MYTH: Sleep apnea is just a minor medical condition that doesn’t warrant treatment.

FACT: Sleep apnea can lead to serious complications, such as strokes, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and fatigue-related accidents. Sleep apnea essentially deprives the body of oxygen, leading to lasting and potentially deadly consequences if left untreated.

MYTH: Only obese, middle-aged men are affected by sleep apnea.

FACT: Healthy men and women of all ages, including children, can suffer from sleep apnea.

MYTH: Sleeping on your stomach or side prevents sleep apnea.

FACT: Sleep apnea is not dependent on your sleeping position and can develop among people who sleep on their stomachs, sides, and backs alike.

MYTH: Snoring is annoying, but it doesn’t have serious consequences.

FACT: Snoring is a common symptom of sleep apnea. Although many people are too embarrassed by it to seek treatment, snoring should not be left unchecked. Not all snoring is related to sleep apnea, but sometimes it is and should be evaluated by a medical professional.

MYTH: CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machines are too loud and obnoxious. Bed partners would rather deal with snoring than CPAP machines.

FACT: New innovations have made CPAP machines much quieter than ever before, making them a much better alternative to the loud, gasping type of snoring that sleep apnea causes. Bed partners of those with sleep apnea suffer significant sleep loss when the sleep apnea goes untreated. Opting for a CPAP machine is the more considerate option for your bed partner if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea.

MYTH: Adults who have had tonsillectomies are not at risk of sleep apnea.

FACT: Having your tonsils removed does not reduce the likelihood of getting sleep apnea.

MYTH: Diagnosing sleep apnea can only be done in a sleep lab.

FACT: There is new technology that allows sleep apnea to be diagnosed at home. Portable devices that measure brain activity, oxygen levels in the blood, and muscle movements can help sleep doctors determine whether you suffer from sleep apnea.

Contact Us

If you believe that you or a loved one may have sleep apnea, contact our office today at (631) 983-2463 to schedule a free sleep apnea consultation. Dr. Brown and his experienced staff are passionate about helping people solve their sleep problems. They believe that quality of life during the day largely depends on the quality of sleep you get at night. If you’re ready to improve your life, call today and find out what the experts at Silent Night Therapy can do for you. A healthier and more rested life is only a phone call away.