Posted on Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 at 9:00 am    

A good night’s sleep rejuvenates our bodies, clears the mind, and helps keep our spirits high. But what if sleep becomes a challenge instead of a refuge? Obstructive sleep apnea, a prevalent sleep disorder, can stand in the way of that much-needed nightly rest. Here at Silent Night Therapy in New York, we understand why identifying this condition early is crucial to fixing the problem. If you feel you aren’t getting quality sleep lately, you’re in the right place. Here are four signs that you might have sleep apnea.

Noisy Sleep

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when the muscles at the back of the throat fail to keep the airway open and hinder breathing. This obstruction can lead to paused breathing during sleep, which might last from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. When the brain realizes it’s not receiving enough oxygen, it jolts the body awake to reopen the airway. This jolt is often accompanied by a loud gasp, snort, or choking sound. So, if you’re snoring loudly every night, occasionally waking up with a start, or find yourself gasping for air in the middle of your sleep, it’s essential to recognize these as potential warning signs.

Restlessness During Sleep

Have you ever woken up feeling like you’ve run a marathon, with your sheets tangled and your pillow off the bed? This could be a subtle warning sign of sleep apnea.

When the body tosses and turns, it’s often an unconscious effort to find a position that facilitates easier breathing. For instance, many people with OSA might shift from their back to their side, as side sleeping can sometimes help keep the airway more open.

Constantly Feeling Tired During the Day

Are you often sipping your third cup of coffee before Noon as the day seems to drag on forever? If you’re experiencing chronic fatigue during your waking hours despite seemingly getting a full night’s sleep, it might be a red flag for sleep apnea.

While feeling tired after an isolated night of poor sleep is natural, consistent daytime fatigue can be concerning. Sleep is our body’s way of recharging, repairing, and preparing for the next day’s challenges. If sleep apnea interrupts this vital process, it’s no surprise you feel drained during the day.

You Meet the Typical Profile of a Sleep Apnea Patient

Certain natural characteristics can make people more susceptible to developing sleep apnea. Those traits include:

  • Gender: Men, in general, are more likely to experience sleep apnea than women. However, it’s essential to note that the risk for women isn’t negligible, especially post-menopause.
  • Body Weight: Being overweight significantly increases the risk of sleep apnea. This doesn’t mean that only overweight individuals can have sleep apnea, but the prevalence is notably higher among this group.
  • Family History: If someone in your immediate family has the condition, your chances of developing it might be higher.

If you identify with any of these factors or are experiencing sleep apnea symptoms, being proactive is essential. Silent Night Therapy uses custom-made oral appliances to promote easier breathing and healthy sleep. Call 631-983-2463 now or reach out online for a free consultation.